黃龍石澗生態遊#攝影 #保育#環保#香港#香港河流#生態價值河流#河流研究#生物多樣性

次观看 2024-06-27
Huanglong Shijian Eco Tour #Photography #Conservation #Environmental Protection #Hong Kong #Hong Kong Rivers #Ecological Value Rivers #River Research #Biodiversity 香港具備豐富生態價值河溪,了解多D歡迎訂閱@Raymond2021. 今次我從上流末段到中流,及至末流黃龍坑尋找具生態價值物種的足跡,究竟今次有甚麼發現?無論河川學術研究、淡水生物、飼養觀賞魚或旅客,本集定必眼界大開,與河流為友,珍惜和保育,給下一代珍貴的禮物。 Hong Kong is rich in ecologically valuable rivers and streams. To learn more, please subscribe @Raymond2021. This time I searched for traces of species with ecological value from the end of the upper stream to the middle stream and finally to the Huanglong Hang at the end of the stream. What did I find this time? Whether it is academic research on rivers, freshwater biology, raising ornamental fish, or tourists, this episode will definitely open your eyes to become friends with rivers, cherish and conserve them, and give precious gifts to the next generation.

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