
次观看 2024-06-30
Taking Pak Tam Chung 🐟 as an example, explore the seawater flowing back into the river when the tide rises, forming a unique ecological environment at the junction of saltwater and freshwater, and understand the changes in the river habitat between freshwater and saltwater and how the organisms adapt # HKRIVER ECOLOGY # 香港游#ENVIRONMENTAL #HKBIODIVERSION #PARENT-CHILD TRAVEL 🦋 「涌」是指河道流出海的地方,這條獨特的河道,上游淡水帶的生境如何?孕育著甚麼的生?沿着河流直衝涌口,海水的倒灌會造成甚麼的生境?從北潭涌家樂徑向上游走,為何沿途的樹叢看見豐富品種的蝴蝶(漁護署曾錄得107個蝴蝶品種) 。此外,古窯和紅樹林帶也成為這條易行有樹陰的家樂徑假日打卡的好去處 。歡迎訂閱@Raymond2021 "Gong" refers to the place where the river flows out of the sea. What is the habitat of the freshwater zone upstream of this unique river? What kind of life is pregnant with? Along the river and rushing straight to the mouth, what kind of habitat will be created by the intrusion of sea water? Walking upstream from the Pak Tam Chung Family Trail, why do you see a rich variety of butterflies in the trees along the way (107 butterfly species were recorded by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department). In addition, the ancient kiln and mangrove belt have also become a good place to check in during the holidays on this easy-to-walk family-friendly trail with tree shade. Welcome to subscribe @Raymond2021

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