
次观看 2024-06-18
Kyoto Tour # Amanohashidate # Ine Funaya # Hozu River Hand Boat # Gion # Geisha Performance # Arashiyama # Nara # Japan Free Travel # Nishiki Market # Kyoto Aquarium # Parent-child Tour # Romantic Tour # Daikuji Temple # Photography # Honeymoon#Togetsuki Bridge#Fushimi Inari Shrine#Kamo River#Kyoto Station#Kyoto night view 京都樸實古雅、風情萬種的氣質確實令人著迷,這裡可以觀賞藝妓時而翩翩起舞,時而獻曲弄花。昔日木製渡月橋仍屹立在一級河流一湟川之上,河流物種豐富。乘小火車遊走在色彩絢麗的嵯峨野嵐山,俯視保律川滔滔的激流,並泛舟其間,無不痛快哉!以有趣的視角腑視天橋立,在沙州上悠閒踏單車,跳入清澈的若狹灣浮潛,前往伊根舟屋的渡輪上餵海鷗,豈不寫意。在祇園與藝妓攀談,先斗盯昏黃的燈影下晚餐,靜靜欣賞鴨川映照彩霞,更在東京塔鳥覽璀燦夜景。還有身穿和服穿梭於竹林小徑、花見小路舊巷、渡月橋和大覺寺,感受平靜美。到京都水族館的巨型娃娃魚和海豚表演令人讚嘆,最浪漫莫過於奈良與鹿同看日落….. 這一切,盡在「細味京都」@Raymond2021 歡迎訂閱@Raymond2021 The simple, quaint and charming temperament of Kyoto is indeed fascinating. Here you can watch geishas sometimes dancing gracefully, sometimes performing music and making flowers. The wooden Toyue Bridge in the past still stands on the Huangchuan River, a first-class river with rich species. It’s a joy to take a small train and wander around the colorful Sagano Arashiyama Mountain, overlooking the surging rapids of the Horyuk River, and go boating along the way! Look at Amanohashidate from an interesting perspective, cycle leisurely on the sand, jump into the clear Ise Bay for snorkeling, and feed the seagulls on the ferry to Ine Funaya. Chat with geishas in Gion, have dinner under the dim lights, quietly enjoy the colorful clouds reflecting off the Kamogawa River, and even take in the brilliant night view from Tokyo Tower. Wearing a kimono, you can walk through the bamboo forest paths, Hanamikoji old alleys, Togetsukyo Bridge and Daikakuji Temple to feel the tranquility and beauty. The giant salamander and dolphin performances at Kyoto Aquarium are amazing. The most romantic thing is watching the sunset with deer in Nara... All of this is in "Taste of Kyoto" @Raymond2021

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