
次观看 2024-08-26
EP05 Night Walk Tai Po Kau Ecological Guided Tour # Tai Po Kau Country Park # Hiking # Night Walk Ecological Guided Tour # Hong Kong Ecological Value River # Conservation # Biodiversity # Ecological Inspection # Ecological Photography # Hong Kong Nocturnal Animal Inspection # Parent-child 交通:🚌72 72A 73A 74A 872 🚍小巴28K松仔園下車 本集路線:大埔滘郊野公園入口Check point1渠口觀察黑眶蟾蜍→Check point2沿途觀察立體蜘蛛網及璧虎(檐蛇)→Check point3轉角位用紫外光燈觀察蠍子→Check point4觀察竹櫛蟲→紅路(河溪口)觀察螢火蟲Check point5及Check point6香港螺螈→原路折返Check point7觀察樹蛙。 Transportation: 🚌72 72A 73A 74A 872 🚍Minibus 28K and get off at Tsung Tsai Yuen Route of this episode: Check point 1 at the entrance of Tai Po Kau Country Park to observe black-orbited toads → Check point 2 to observe three-dimensional spider webs and Afroedura (eaves snakes) along the way → Check point 3 to observe scorpions with UV light at the corner → Check point 4 to observe bamboo combs Insects → Red Road (stream) to observe fireflies Check point 5 and Check point 6 Hong Kong snails → retrace your steps to check point 7 to observe tree frogs. Welcome to subscribe @Raymond2021 星空下,夜行動物走出來參加配對舞會,聽黑眶蟾蜍響亮雄壯的叫聲,為派對拉開序幕,無尾目的牠小心頭部兩側可分泌毒液的腺體,盤踞水渠口,吸引漂亮的蟾蜍公主,蛙聲沸騰下怎會只有呱呱的叫法呢?寂靜之下不要小看那豆般的小型雌蜘蛛,牠能結出立體蛛網,這個毒婦交配後會把雄性吞噬。至於漆黑中的忍者非中國壁虎,看看白色的蛋,就知道牠潛藏身後。八重山蠍身上含有特殊化學物質的透明物質,吸收紫外線後,就會釋放出藍綠熒光。聚螢映雪的大螢火蟲,光量夠看書嗎?埔滘河溪位有7種螢火蟲(全港16種),在弱紅閃光下,2.5吋長幼蟲長著綠光,成蟲泛橙、黃閃光作回應,這些穹宇螢以不同的閃度互相溝通,為要尋找交配對象相同品種發出不同色光,確保不會配錯;閃光可以是誘捕雄性,也作警戒防禦,被捕食時發出沮喪閃光,警戒同類。香港瘰螈屬有尾目類,1962命名,牠腹部的鮮橙色斑紋理像人的指紋天下無雙,橙黑是警告色,警示捕獵者牠並不好吃,甚至可致命,搖動尾巴吸引異性。善於偽裝不止人類,還有會走動的樹枝:竹櫛蟲。善於擬態成樹枝或樹葉,可以躲過天敵,竹節蟲須經歷4~6 次脫皮後,才能長為成蟲,成長期大約需要3 個月。 Under the starry sky, nocturnal animals come out to participate in the mating dance, listening to the loud and majestic cry of the black-rimmed toad, kicking off the party. The anuran is careful about the glands on both sides of its head that can secrete venom, and it occupies the mouth of the water channel, attracting beautiful women. Princess Toad, how can you only say croak when the frogs are boiling? In the silence, don't underestimate the small bean-like female spider, which can spin three-dimensional spider webs. This poisonous woman will devour the male after mating. As for the gecko in the dark, just look at the white eggs and you will know it is lurking behind it. The scorpion contains a transparent substance containing special chemicals that absorbs ultraviolet rays and emits blue-green fluorescence. The big fireflies that gather fireflies reflect the snow. Is the amount of light enough to read a book? There are 7 species of fireflies in the Tai Po Kau River (16 species in Hong Kong). Under the weak red flash, the 2.5-inch-long larvae glow green, and the adults flash orange and yellow in response. These sky fireflies interact with each other with different flashes. Communicate, in order to find a mating partner, the same species emits different colors of light to ensure that there is no mismatch; The flash can be used to trap males, or it can also be used as a warning and defense. When being preyed on, it emits a frustrated flash to alert similar species. Paramesotriton hongkongensis, named in 1962. The bright orange spots on its abdomen are unique in texture and resemble human fingerprints. The orange-black color is a warning color, warning predators that it is not tasty and may even be fatal. The tail is wagging to attract the opposite sex. It’s not just humans that are good at camouflaging themselves, but also moving branches: the Phasmatodea. It is good at mimicking branches or leaves and can avoid natural enemies. Stick insects must undergo 4 to 6 times of molting before they can grow into adults. The growth period takes about 3 months.

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