
次观看 2024-09-08
EP07 Tan Shan River, Tan Shan River, breeds abundant native species of Hong Kong, including Hong Kong fighting fish and rare Sri Lankan fish. Its watershed is as wide as Pat Sin Ridge to Lion's Head Ridge, Dan Chuk Hang, etc., and then merges with the Ng Tung River. It is of great ecological investigation value # HK Betta # River Guide # Hong Kong Ecological Value River # Conservation # Biodiversity # Ecological Investigation # Photography # 交通:🚍粉嶺港鐵站綠小巴52B鶴藪涼亭下車步行前往鶴藪水塘壩下 (丹山河上游-中游營地) 🚍粉嶺港鐵站綠小巴56K馬尾下士多 / 巴士78K馬尾下站士多小路入 丹竹坑水壩至老圍段。(丹山河下游) Welcome to subscribe @Raymond2021 Transportation: 🚍Green minibus 52B at Fanling MTR Station, get off at Hok Sou Pavilion and walk to the foot of Hok Sou Reservoir (upper reaches of Tanshan River-middle reaches campsite) 🚍Green minibus 56K Ma Wei Lower Station at Fanling MTR Station/Bus 78K at Ma Mei Lower Station along the small road from Dan Chuk Hang Reservoir to Lo Wai.(lower reaches of Danshan River) Welcome to subscribe @Raymond2021 丹山河Tan Shan River流水源自八仙嶺經鶴藪水塘水壩往丹竹坑,最後匯合梧桐河。沿河佈滿低矮植披,上流溪底為大岩石,水潭集中,溪水淺而清澈,金魚草茂密,不僅是各種蜻蜓的孕育地,水草生境及緩流極適合廣東米蝦與香港鬥魚、七星魚(花鯽) 作棲息地;中段中型石散落,水潭分佈錯落,溪床多滿佈枯葉,微酸生境令水變微楬色,各段旱濕不一,經過丹竹坑淺水河區,河底為細沙,兩旁夾雜樹蔭和植披,偶見寬鰭鱲 Zacco platypus群搶吃溪藻,溪鰻棲底穿梭,北江光唇魚游曳。除丹竹坑水壩有湍流外,中下游皆為蜿蜒繞過各村的靜態河流,水質漸差,吳郭魚展現極高適應力而盤踞中下游。 丹山河因流域廣,各河段具備不同植披、酸鹼度、河速、遮蔽點及河底結構等建構其多元生境,滋養及吸引多樣化物種棲息,生態及考察價值冠絕林村河等經典大河。 丹山河Tan Shan River亳不經典,它唯獨珍貴,永無替代,令人愛不釋手。 Welcome to subscribe @Raymond2021 The water of Tan Shan River originates from Pat Sin Ridge, passes through the Hok Sou Reservoir Dam, flows to Tan Chuk Hang, and finally merges with the Ngo Tong River. The river is covered with low vegetation, with large rocks at the upper stream bottom, concentrated pools, shallow and clear water, and dense snapdragons. It is not only a breeding ground for various dragonflies, but also the aquatic plant habitat and slow flow are very suitable for Guangdong shrimp and Hong Kong fights. Fish and seven-star fish (Cross carp) serve as habitats; medium-sized rocks are scattered in the middle section, pools are scattered at random, the stream bed is mostly covered with dead leaves, the slightly acidic habitat makes the water slightly dull, and each section has different drought and wetness. After passing through Tan Chuk HangIn the shallow river area, the bottom of the river is fine sand, with shade trees and vegetation on both sides. You can occasionally see groups of Zacco platypus eating stream algae, stream eels perching on the bottom, and Acrossocheilus beijiangensis swimming around. Except for the turbulent flow at Tan Chuk Hang Dam, the middle and lower reaches are all static rivers that meander around the villages. The water quality is gradually deteriorating. Tilapia has shown extremely high adaptability and occupied the middle and lower reaches. Due to its wide drainage area, the Danshan River has different vegetation cover, pH, river speed, shelter points and river bottom structures to create a diverse habitat, nourishing and attracting diverse species to inhabit. Its ecological and survey value is unparalleled among other classic rivers such as the Tai Po Lam Tsuen River. . Tan Shan River is by no means a classic, it is precious and irreplaceable, making people unable to put it down. Welcome to subscribe @Raymond2021

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