香港⏳稀有北江光唇魚🐟#側條厚唇魚#香港河溪#香港生態價值河流#保育#生物多樣性#河流考察#生態攝影#香港遊 #河流高保育價值魚類#生態旅遊#香港河流生態學

次观看 2024-07-24
Hong Kong’s rare Beijiang light-lipped fish #Hong Kong river stream #Hong Kong ecological value river #conservation #biodiversity #river inspection #ecological photography#travel #Acrossocheilus beijiangensis subscribe @Raymond2021 北江光唇魚(學名:Acrossocheilus beijiangensis)又稱北江石𩼧,屬鯉科,分佈於珠江水域。魚身側扁,有2對口鬚,尾鰭深,特徵是黃色的身上長有五至六條黑色直條紋,背側呈淺金黃色,腹部銀白色,體側有5條黑色橫紋,體長可達15cm,常棲息在緩流沙石底質底中層水域,具領域性、多年生長、群居的雜食性魚類:無脊椎動物碎屑、樹葉、藻類、水生植物等,由於分佈極少,被評定為稀有品種。 Beijiang light-lipped fish (scientific name: Acrossocheilus beijiangensis), also known as Beijiang stone fish, belongs to the family Cyprinidae and is distributed in the Pearl River waters. The fish has a flat side, two pairs of mouth barbels, and a deep caudal fin. It is characterized by five to six black straight stripes on its yellow body, light golden yellow on its back, silvery white belly, and five black horizontal stripes on its side. It can reach a length of up to 15cm, often inhabiting the middle waters of slow-flowing sand and gravel bottoms, territorial, multi-year growth, and gregarious omnivorous fish: invertebrate detritus, leaves, algae, aquatic plants, etc., due to its extremely small distribution, it is rated as Rare breed.

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