粉嶺鹿頸全港最大淡水沼澤漸變為鹹淡水濕地獨特生境SSS1 🦅;五肚古村#水浸咀排#連島沙洲#行山#谷埔#鹿頸#鳳坑🦎#香港河溪#環保#古蹟#親子遊#保育#紅樹林#香港遊#谷埔#ecological

次观看 2022-08-10
The largest freshwater swamp in Hong Kong, Fanling Luk Keng has gradually turned into a unique habitat of brackish water wetland SSS1; #Mangrove#Hong Kong Ecology Tour#ecological #green tour 🐇粉嶺鹿頸獨有的生態價值 鹿頸擁有全港最大、最具代表性的淡水沼澤,本港唯一從淡水系過渡到中度含鹽量水域至鹹淡水濕地向紅樹林海岸的水糸生境楷模,罕有地保留天然河溪和人為影響(魚塘、風水林及荒廢農田)演化成的早期米埔生境樣式,整個水系輪廓中,呈現多樣性的生態,好像以鹽度分野的魚類,從極初級淡水魚到適應中度鹹度的迴游魚,及至河口的海洋性魚類,迴游性的斑紋舌鰕虎魚、鹿頸獨有的伊中偽蜻和藍翡翠,潮間帶各異其趣的雙手蟹,各從其類。統計上生物多樣性多於全港50%,蜻蜓58種,蝴蝶64種,有2條具生態價值河溪及1處SSSI地段沼澤風水林,成為本港優先保育地點第5位。 The unique ecological value of Fanling Luk Keng Luk Keng has the largest and most representative freshwater swamp in Hong Kong. It is the only model habitat in Hong Kong that transitions from freshwater to moderately saline waters to brackish and freshwater wetlands to mangrove coasts. It is rare to retain natural rivers and The early Mai Po habitat style evolved from human influence (fish ponds, feng shui forests and abandoned farmland), the entire water system outlines, showing diverse ecology, like fish divided by salinity, from very primary freshwater fish to moderate salinity adaptation The migratory fish that reach the estuary, the migratory striped-tongued goby, the unique Yizhong pseudo-dragon and the blue jadeite, and the intertidal crabs of different interests, each according to its type. Statistically, the biodiversity is more than 50% in Hong Kong, with 58 species of dragonflies, 64 species of butterflies, 2 rivers and streams of ecological value and 1 swamp Fengshui forest in the SSSI lot, becoming the fifth priority conservation site in Hong Kong. 🐇本片集的價值 本集嚴選粉嶺鹿頸具生態價值的谷埔內陸河溪,呈現淡水糸過渡到中度含鹽量水域至鹹淡水濕地與紅樹林海岸的獨特的水系模型,探索多元物種的相互關係。同時,這條溪流帶您來到由楊、宋、鄭、李、邱、何、吳等七姓穩世客家古村,一肚至五肚,蜿蜒河溪而立,「肚」在客家語中指山窩中的平地,是隆起的部份,若你願意溯溪而行,二肚的陳年建築、四肚的開闊牧場及五肚幽美的水潭與瀑布,美不勝收,仿如闖入桃園仙境。 The value of this collection This episode carefully selects the inland rivers and streams in Kuk Po, which are of ecological value in Fanling, and presents a unique water system model that transitions from freshwater to moderately saline waters to brackish wetlands and mangrove coasts, and explores the relationship between multiple species. At the same time, this stream takes you to the ancient Hakka village of Wenshi, which consists of seven surnames including Yang, Song, Zheng, Li, Qiu, He, and Wu. One belly to five bellies, winding rivers, and streams. "Belly" means "belly" in the Hakka language. The flat land in the mountain nest is the uplifted part. If you are willing to walk up the river, the old buildings in Edu, the open pastures in Sidu, and the beautiful pools and waterfalls in Wudu are wonderful, like breaking into a fairyland in heaven. 🚌交通:粉嶺56K綠巴→鹿頸→谷埔二肚6.5公里,2小時(來回4小時) 僅1段小階級易走, 粉嶺鹿頸→Check Pt.1鹿頸河溪與水浸水排→🚶🏽30mins Check Pt.2 谷埔河與二肚→鹿頸。 🚶🏽 意猶未盡可入鳳坑家樂徑認識樹木;從谷埔二肚往五肚至烏蛟騰; 或前往荔枝窩。 🐇訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf... 🐇推薦片集 🐇Pui O River 貝澳河🐸 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev7a-ykbTYI Unique & Priceless Sha Lo Tung🦇沙螺洞 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FReJNlSGl3E The Fantabulous Tan Shan River驚艷的丹山河 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0mZGuWmotE&t=12s [我在東涌河觀賞北江唇魚🐟] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S739SzoSnA&t=130s [上水至龍躍頭🦖、古洞單車遊] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-XmcKypmw&t=3s [瓹窿瓹罅遊北角] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKRD6jtyag0&t=25s 🕊 Sincerely thank you for watching! The production resources are limited, and the picture quality and sound effects may not be perfect. However, the episodes will be sincerely created, and your tolerance is my most outstanding support. Like 🐇Share All rights reserved 2022 ©

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