[時空穿梭⌛️]🚋蜚聲國際的電影、小說場景,300米長騎樓街、碉樓、墟市,迷人夜色盡在老味十足的赤坎華橋古鎮#浪漫 #假日好去處#打卡 #攝影 #慶生 # #文化#建築#歷史#藝術#赤坎華橋古鎮

次观看 2023-11-29
甚麼令赤坎古鎮活起來?那300米長的騎樓街、那承載著七位革命先烈的高聳碉樓?那從古戲台娓娓傳來的粵曲?那穿梭繁華夜市的叮叮車?是街角叫買的墟市?還是一齣齣動人的人生戲碼每天在電影中、在小說中、在平凡市井的生活中?這小城鎮,除了櫛枇鱗次的老店、老街、老人、舊故事,面對時代,退下褪色的商貿外衣,換上文化新綠,您若渴望慢活其中,盡享流金,安於平淡,這趟時空之旅,定必帶來您生命上的啟迪,讓您再次演活舞台。 交通:江門開平市(建議跟團) 酒店:赤坎古鎮中選美和酒店(近堤西路);長盛酒店(近古戲台.小橋.流水) What makes Chikan Ancient Town come alive? The 300-meter-long arcade street and the towering watchtowers carrying the seven revolutionary martyrs? What about the Cantonese opera that came from the ancient stage? That ding-ding car that shuttles through the bustling night market? Is it the market on the street corner? Or is it a moving drama of life that appears every day in movies, novels, and ordinary life in the city? In this small town, in addition to row upon row of old shops, old streets, old people, and old stories, in the face of the times, the faded business clothes have been replaced by new cultural greenery. If you are eager to live slowly, enjoy the money, and live in peace and quiet In ordinary times, this journey through time and space will definitely bring you enlightenment in your life and allow you to perform on stage again. I'm Raymond, welcome to watch and subscribe, @Raymond2021 thank you all! 我是Raymond歡迎收看和訂閱, @Raymond2021 謝謝大家!

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