霓虹妙趣在大館#香港遊 #打卡 #拍拖好去處 #展覧会#基哥 #藝術#大館#香港好去處

次观看 2023-07-19
五彩繽紛的霓虹燈令你想起甚麼?昔日早巳遺忘的「美好」?今宵多珍重的舊香港情懷?在中環大館的「霓續」展覽,定必令你回味無窮。那妙麗的開屏孔雀、那東方錶行,無一不述說被忘掉的回憶,依戀如昨...... What do colourful neon lights remind you of? The "beautiful" long forgotten in the past? How cherished are the old Hong Kong feelings tonight? The "Neon Continues" exhibition at Tai Kwun, Central will leave you with an endless aftertaste. The beautiful peacock, and the oriental watch, all tell the forgotten memories, and they are as attached as yesterday... 🐢訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf...

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