🐮Pui O River 貝澳河🐸#貝澳#大嶼山遊#香港河溪#高生態價值河溪🐟#生物多樣性🪲#石澗#招潮蟹🦀#生態遊#教育#生態考察🐚#綠色旅遊#親子遊#ecological #保育 #環保

次观看 2022-07-23
The ecology of buffalo hooves 🐮Pui O River 🐸 #lowland wetland ecology #hongkong rivers #high ecological value rivers🐟 #biodiversity ecological inspection Shijian #fiddler crab 🦀 #ecological tour #ecological education #ecological investigation 🐚 #hongkongparent-child travel #hiking outing 貝澳或杯澳為全港少數大面積而極具生態價值的低地淡水濕地,擁有紅樹林、沼澤、蘆葦床等生境。棲息物種超過400種動植物,包括長腳趾蛙和罕有的金裳鳳蝶。本片集跟隨有趣的水牛橫跨4個重要的觀察點,讓您了解從務農釋放的水牛如何令貝澳荒廢田野演化成淡水濕地。片集適合貝澳生態考察前準備、教育用途、綠色旅遊、Tailor-make親子生態遊等。 Pui O is one of the few large-scale and ecologically valuable lowland freshwater wetlands in Hong Kong, with habitats such as mangroves, swamps, and reed beds. Home to more than 400 species of flora and fauna, including the long-toed frog and the rare golden-winged swallowtail. This episode follows the intriguing buffalo across 4 key observation points, allowing you to understand how the buffalo released from farming has transformed Pui O's desolate fields into freshwater wetlands. The film collection is suitable for preparation before the ecological inspection of Pui'ao, educational use, green tourism, Tailor-make parent-child ecological tours, etc. 1. 淡水濕地 早期貝澳村民務農為生,經濟轉型後,田地荒廢,過去耕田的水牛群過著遊牧生活,為了降溫、除蟲和保持濕潤,牛群挖出大大小小的泥坑,坑中積水孕育兩棲動物和植物,如虎紋蛙等,牛群所到處形成大面積的淡水濕地,您可以觀察牛與牛背鷺相互倚存的關係:鷺鳥警告牛天敵接近、啄食牛身上害蟲;牛為鳥揚起昆蟲供鷺鳥食用。 1. Freshwater wetlands In the early days, the villagers of Pui O were farming for a living. After the economic transformation, the fields were deserted. The buffalo herds that used to cultivate the fields lived a nomadic life. To cool down, remove insects and keep moist, the cattle dug large and small mud pits, and the water accumulated in the pits gave birth to amphibians. Animals and plants, such as tiger frogs, etc., the cattle herds form a large area of freshwater wetlands, you can observe the relationship between cattle and cattle egrets: egrets warn cattle of natural enemies approaching, pecking cattle on pests; cattle are Birds raise insects for herons to eat. 2. 貝澳河 貝澳河屬山坡河流,貝澳老圍村一段河溪被漁農自然護理處列為具生態價值河溪,為親子生態團必去熱點,孩子在淺溪中觀察各種到來覓食的鳥類、蛙類、昆蟲及親手到河中搜集螺貝觀察後放回河溪,這裡能觀察迴游河口的子陵吻蝦虎魚,水流所到處,生機無限…… 2. Pui O River The Pui O River is a hillside river. A section of the river in Lo Wai Village of Pui O is listed as a river with ecological value by the Fisheries, Farmers and Natural Conservation Department. It is a must-see for parent-child environmental groups. Frogs, insects, and snails are collected from the river and then returned to the river for observation. Here, you can observe the rhinogobius Quirinius goby migrating to the estuary. The water flow is everywhere, and the vitality is infinite... 3. 沙咀河口 在潮間帶生境,有人獵影鷺鳥,有人觀賞群牛沐浴,您可以讓孩子認識生活於鹹淡水交界的魚類,如鯔,同時找到鹹淡水生態指標-牡礪(蠔),愈近河口,蠔隻愈大,標示鹹度愈高。弧邊招湖蟹和北方凹招湖蟹的惹笑步履定能讓你的孩子樂透半天。 3. Sha Tsui Estuary In the intertidal habitat, some people hunt for shadow egrets, and some watch herds of cattle bathing, you can let your children know about fish living in the junction of brackish and freshwater, such as mullet, and find the ecological indicator of brackish and freshwater - oyster (oyster), the closer to the estuary, The more significant the oyster, the higher the marked saltiness. The hilarious behaviour of the arc edge crab and the northern concave crab will make your child a lottery for a long time. 4. 貝澳海灘 沙白蜆能淨化海水,人潮蜂擁掘蜆被視為樂趣,然而我們需要教育孩子人為破壞對生態的影響,認識每種生物在生境系統中扮演重要角色。逐浪、賞貝殼,享受波濤帶來的喜悅,一群群的小魚兒跳躍其中,此刻,您的孩子探索範圍巳從河溪走進海洋。 4. Pui O Beach Sand white clams can purify sea water, and people flock to dig clams as fun. However, we need to educate children about the impact of human-induced destruction on the ecology and understand that each creature plays an important role in the habitat system. 🚌交通:東涌3M巴士往梅窩→貝澳老圍→小徑→Check Pt.1 淡水濕地→Check Pt.2 貝澳河 Check Pt.3河口沙咀→Check Pt.4 貝澳海灘→回程3M巴士往梅窩/東涌市中心 🐮訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf... 🐮推薦片集 The Fantabulous Tan Shan River驚艷的丹山河 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0mZGuWmotE&t=12s [深水灣具重要生態價值河溪🐢] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgu3XO4Vuw8&t=11s [林村河古蹟生態遊] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eA_xAVtYWko&t=64s [我在東涌河觀賞北江唇魚🐟] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S739SzoSnA&t=130s [上水至龍躍頭🦖、古洞單車遊] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-XmcKypmw&t=3s [我在西環泳棚游泳] ] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCbIXRn6W14&t=165s [瓹窿瓹罅遊北角] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKRD6jtyag0&t=25s 🐮衷心感謝您的收看!喜歡片集的朋友不忘點讚,訂閱和分享, 您💖動的支持,或許成為[基哥] 頻道成長的好旅伴,頻道限制處能夠包容,有趣處能留言鼓勵,誠然,片集一期一會,下次再與大家見面。 🐮 Thank you very much for watching! Friends who like the album do not forget to like, subscribe and share, Your active support may become a good travel companion for the growth of the [Raymond] channel. You can tolerate the limitations of the channel, and leave a message to encourage you in the interesting areas. The episodes will indeed be released in a while, and I will meet you next time. Like 🐮Share All rights reserved 2022 ©

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