Tai Ho Stream 大蠔河#蝙蝠🦇#盧氏小樹蛙🐸#三鄉#香魚🐟#白芒村#更樓#村校🏫#大蠔灣#紅樹林#泥灘#林地#牛牯望#白望鄉學校#東梅古道#奧運徑#香港遊#環保#親子#生態教育

次观看 2022-08-04
Tai Ho Stream #ba🦇t#Lu's little tree frog# Village School # Tai Ho Bay#Tung Mui Ancient Trail#ecological# Pak Mong Village # Mangrove # Mudflat # Woodland # hong kong tour #hk Olympic Trail#environmental protection #parent-child #Ecological education 大蠔河及周邊的生態價值 大蠔河是本港僅餘數條由高嶺伸延流入河口三角洲的中型完整天然河溪,其中包括河溪、紅樹林、林地及農地生境,河溪棲息淡水魚53種,兩棲類10種包括盧氏小樹蛙,河流不斷把有機物帶進河口,豐富的沉積物令河口更具生產力,鬆散泥沙和紅樹林,有利棲息罕見移棲性的魚類如香魚、馬蹄蟹、迴游性魚類,或溯溪或降海,還有盧氏小樹蛙,難怪大蠔灣成為政府第3保育重地,觀鳥、賞魚、環保教育的熱點。 🦇The ecological value of Tai Ho Stream River and its surroundings Tai Ho River is one of the few remaining medium-sized and intact natural rivers in Hong Kong that extend from highland into the estuary delta, including rivers, mangroves, Woodland and farmland habitats, 53 species of freshwater fish and 10 species of amphibians inhabiting rivers and streams, including Lu's little tree frog, and rivers continuously bring the organic matter into the river. The rich sediments make the estuary more productive, loose sediment and mangrove forests are conducive to the habitat of rare migratory fish, horses Hoof crabs, migratory fish, either upstreaming or descending into the sea, as well as Lu's little tree frog, it is no wonder that Tai Ho Bay has become the government's third conservation centre. Bird watching, A hot spot for fish watching and environmental education. 🦇歷史文化古蹟 三鄉(白芒村、牛牯望村及大蠔灣村)為本港近200年歷史古老村落,除了白芒村內1939年為防盜匪而用花崗石砌成的7米高更樓(更樓於1999列為法定古蹟)、還有圍城和荒廢白望鄉學校的綠色古老通花鐵窗,加上這裡曾是二戰時扺禦日軍據點和大蠔河旁毛澤東時代的合作社遺趾,豐富當地文史的價值。 🦇Historical & Cultural landmark The three Villages (Pak Mong Village, Ngau Kwong Village and Tai Ho Wan Village) with a history of nearly 200 years in Hong Kong. Except for the Pak Monga Village, which was used in 1939 to prevent burglars The 7-meter-high Geng Building is made of granite (the Geng Building was listed as a declared monument in 1999), as well as the ancient green flowers of the besieged city and the abandoned Baiwang Township School The barricades, together with the former stronghold of the Japanese army during World War II and the relics of the Mao Zedong-era cooperative beside the Tai Ho River, enrich the local literature and historical value. 🦇本集的價值 由於原居民不滿政府把部份地區劃為具科學價值地點,環團對生態公園的地產規劃方案存疑,大蠔河的爭議聲中,「遊人免進」大蠔河及其周邊生境,您要了解大蠔河生態僅能參考過時資枓,誠然,本集輯錄可能是唯一最新的大蠔河及其河口真實而珍貴的河溪生態,無論是盧氏小樹蛙、罕見的黑首阿胡蝦虎魚、尖頭塘禮、喜山鼠耳蝙蝠,甚或河口的驚艷的魚蝦,都教人刮目以待,感謝主讓我完成這次艱鉅的旅程。 🦇The value of this episode As the original residents were dissatisfied with the government's designation of some areas as sites of scientific value, the group had doubts about the real estate planning plan of the ecological park. Amid the controversy over the river, "Tourists are not allowed to enter" the Tai Ho Stream and its surrounding habitats. To understand the ecology of the Tai Ho Stream, you can only refer to outdated information. Of course, This collection may be the only latest actual and precious river ecology of the Tai Ho Stream and its estuary, whether it is Lu's little tree frog, the rare black the first Ahu goby, the hishan rat-eared bat, or even the amazing fish and shrimp in the estuary are all amazing. Thank the Lord for letting me complete this arduous journey. 🚌交通:東涌🚕→Check Pt.1 奧運徑→🚶🏽30mins 🦇Check Pt.2 白望鄉學校及白芒村更樓遺趾→Check Pt.3牛牯望村大蠔河Check Pt.4河口毛澤東時代合作社遺趾→🚕東涌。 🦇注意:白芒村、牛牯望村及大蠔灣村「遊人免進」村內參觀,而通往大蠔河道路早巳被大閘封閉多年,遊人僅能取道東梅古道(奧運徑段)一窺大蠔及白芒村石澗。 🦇訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf... 🦇推薦片集 🦇Pui O River 貝澳河🐸 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev7a-ykbTYI Unique & Priceless Sha Lo Tung🦇沙螺洞 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FReJNlSGl3E The Fantabulous Tan Shan River驚艷的丹山河 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0mZGuWmotE&t=12s [我在東涌河觀賞北江唇魚🐟] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S739SzoSnA&t=130s [上水至龍躍頭🦖、古洞單車遊] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-XmcKypmw&t=3s [瓹窿瓹罅遊北角] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKRD6jtyag0&t=25s 🕊 Sincerely thank you for watching! The production resources are limited, and the picture quality and sound effects may not be perfect. However, the episodes will be sincerely created, and your tolerance is my greatest support. Like 🦇Share All rights reserved 2022 ©

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