
次观看 2022-08-17
There is an entrenched house on the Mau Ping Ancient Road of Yakushima Island in Hong Kong. You can hear the traces of pangolins🦔; there are a few joint tours of Mui Tai, Ma Tai, and Mau Ping Stream. In the past, the terraced fields of Mei Village went through not only the bamboo forest tunnel🎋 but also the relics of the five villages and the ecological dance song # Mui Tsz Lam # Mau Ping # Ecology #Hong Kong River Creek #environmental protection #parent-child #conservation # Ma Tai Stream 🦔馬大石澗、梅子林及茅坪 馬大石澗有英雄澗之美譽,巨石渾圓奇特,瀑勢懾人。梅子五村(梅子林、茅坪、黃竹山、石壟仔及昂平)昔日村民種禾、賣薪維生,茅坪老屋前曾梯田遍野,百人魚貫,自建萬宜水庫,引東南雨水後,村民缺水灌瘠田,紛紛從偏遠山上搬至北港坳,唯定時祭祖,劉氏宗祠健在,圍堵梯田的青苔大石仍在。遊人只知茅坪坳上找鴨腱滕王,誰念此處仍五聯達(茅坪別名)學校的遺趾,盡管石壟仔村後的石林如昨,屋場竹林皆美,唯歲月催人,時光把這裡歸於自然,蘭花笑面,荒涼落寞的村影叫人不堪回首。 Ma Tai Stream, Mui Tsz Lam and Mau Ping🦔 Ma Tai Stream is a heroic stream, with round and peculiar boulders and stunning waterfalls Tsz Lam Village (Mui Tsz Lam, Mau Ping, Wong Chuk Shan, Shek Lung Tsai and Ngong Ping) used to grow crops and sell salaries to make a living. There were terraced fields in front of the old house in Mau Ping, and hundreds of people lined up. The self-built Plover Cove Reservoir led to the southeast. After the rain, the villagers lacked water to irrigate the barren fields, so they moved from the remote mountains to the Pak Kong Au. Only the ancestors were worshipped at regular times. Tourists only know they are looking for fenugreek on the Mau Ping Au. Whoever reads this is still the toe of Wulianda (Mau Ping alias) school, although the stone forest behind Shek Lung Tsai Village is like yesterday, only time urges people, Time has brought this place returning to nature, the smiling face of orchids, and the desolate and lonely village shadows are unbearable to look back on. 🦔生態科學價值上,梅子林及茅坪位於石芽山之東,涵蓋原生林、風水林、農地及自然溪流與濱水林地,昔日村民開墾水利養田,加上位處偏僻,人為影響與自然融和,形成高山獨有的水系生態,滋長水棲昆蟲,吸引蛙類、禽鳥和哺乳類動物繁衍,生物多樣性高於20%,稀有植物有鳳仙花、克氏茶、福氏臭樁、紅皮糙果、華南木薑子,並有穿山甲、小鴉鵑,是故名列優先保育地點第6位, In terms of ecological scientific value, Mui Tsz Lam and Mau Ping are in the east of Shek Nag Shan, covering primary forest, Fengshui forest, agricultural land, natural streams and waterfront woodland. It forms a unique water system ecology in the mountains, grows aquatic insects, attracts frogs, birds, and mammals to reproduce, and the biodiversity is higher than 20%. , as well as pangolins and small cuckoos, is ranked 6th in the priority conservation site.🦔 🦔本片集的價值 本集輯錄馬大、梅大、茅坪3澗之特點和棲息其中的生態。梅子林村及茅坪村的發展因水而興,也歿於乾涸,兩條成村河溪生境極之獨特,嚴選河溪最優美及具生態價值河段,各顯其美,潺潺涓流,洗滌心塵,迴異的水生物種棲息其中,豈容錯過?或許您只張望藤王盤屋和屋場竹林隧道,然而,那悠長古樸的古道上,細味淳樸,仿如淡入屋久島的帷幄,而陳舊破瓦,讓人尋溯梅子五村的風流軼事,娓娓悠長,令人嗟嘆時光之短促,悵惘人生之無奈與無痕。 🦔The value of this collection This episode records the characteristics of the three streams, Ma Tai, Mui Tai and Mau Ping Stream and the ecology that inhabits them. The development of Mui Tsz Lam Village and Mau Ping Village prospered by water but also died in dryness. The two rivers and streams in the two villages have extremely unique habitats. The most beautiful and ecologically valuable river sections of the rivers and streams are carefully selected. wash the dust of the heart, and return to the different aquatic species to inhabit it, how can you miss it? Perhaps you only look at the fenugreek and Bamboo Forest Tunnel. However, on the long and quaint ancient road, the taste is simple, as if fading into the curtain of Yakushima, and the old and broken tiles make people trace the romantic anecdotes of Mui Tsz Lam Village. , The eloquence is long, which makes people sigh at the shortness of time and the helplessness of life. 🚌交通:大水坑港鐵站往Check Pt.1馬大石澗→🚶🏽富安花園過小橋→ 🚶🏽梅子林路(Check Pt.2梅大石澗)→Check Pt.3茅坪石澗、古道、 茅坪坳(藤王)→Check Pt4竹林隧道→🚶🏽北港。 注意:🦔全程7公里3.5小時,僅pt2-pt3漸進往上石路,往北港段天梯急斜 落,故不建議逆走。 ٩(^ᴗ^)۶訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf... (∩_∩)推薦片集🦔 Tai Ho Stream 大蠔河 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoxFGMjGcjk&t=68s Pui O River 貝澳河🐸 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev7a-ykbTYI Unique & Priceless Sha Lo Tung🦇沙螺洞 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FReJNlSGl3E The Fantabulous Tan Shan River驚艷的丹山河 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0mZGuWmotE&t=12s [我在東涌河觀賞北江唇魚🐟] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S739SzoSnA&t=130s [上水至龍躍頭🦖、古洞單車遊] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-XmcKypmw&t=3s [瓹窿瓹罅遊北角] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKRD6jtyag0&t=25s 🦔 Sincerely thank you for watching!🦔 The production resources are limited, and the picture quality and sound effects may not be perfect. However, the episodes will be created with sincerity, and your tolerance is my greatest support. Like 🦔Share All rights reserved 2022 ©

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