Wun Yiu River 碗窰#香港瘰螈🦎#碗窰展覽#碗窰遺址🐮#樊仙宮#香港河溪#高生態價值河溪🐟#打鐵屻🪲#香港 #古蹟#香港歷史#郊野公園#生態遊#環保#綠色旅遊#親子遊#遠足#保育#大埔

次观看 2022-07-29
The ecology of Wun Yiu River # Hong Kong salamander 🦎# Wun Yiu Ruins 🐮 # Fan Xian Gong # Hong Kong River # High Ecological Value River 🐟 #Ta Tit Yan🪲 # Declared Monument # Hong Kong History # Ecological Tour # Ecology education #environmental protection #greentourism #hongkongparent-child travel #hiking #animai-driven grinder#ecological l 大埔碗窰及打鐵屻河溪毗鄰林村河,因無路徑到達而罕有能保持香港河溪的原貌,棲息物種極其原生經典,這河谷滋養蝴蝶品種超過100種,附近山野更是孩子探索的樂園地。今次讓您看見罕有的成熟香港瘰螈個體,背紋獨特;大埔碗窰因地質含高嶺土,地利條件促進歷時200年的繁盛陶瓷業。今天,我們從沾滿泥塵的破落瓷片、廢品和遺址中憑吊當年碗窰貿易的盛事。本集輯錄碗窰河具代表性的河溪物種,深入香港瘰螈棲息地,觀賞原生劍魚、麥氏擬腹吸鰍、河蟹、海南沼蝦,此外,碗窰滄桑的事蹟,您與您的孩子又豈能錯過呢? Tai Po Wun Yiu and Ta Tit Yan River are adjacent to Lam Tsuen River. Because there is no path to reach it, it is rare to maintain the original appearance of Hong Kong rivers and streams. The habitat species are extremely native and classic. There are more than 100 species of butterflies in this valley. The nearby mountains are also a paradise for children to explore. Here, this time, you will see a rare and mature individual of Hong Kong salamander, with unique back patterns; Tai Po Wun Yiu contains kaolin clay due to its geological conditions, and the favourable geographical conditions have promoted the prosperous ceramic industry that lasted for 200 years. Today, we pay tribute to the grand event of the Wan Wun trade from the broken and dusty pieces of porcelain, waste and ruins. This episode compiles the representative river species of the Wun Yiu River and goes deep into the habitat of the salamanders in Hong Kong to watch the native swordfish., Mai's belly sucking loach, river crab, gluttonous prawn.How can you and your children miss the vicissitudes of Wun Yiu? 碗窰遺趾話滄桑 燒製瓷碗需要高嶺土及高嶺岩,茂密樹林作燒瓷燃料,河溪流水有利淘洗製品及便利貨船把瓷品外銷。大埔碗窰得天獨厚,明代文、謝二簇開瓷土礦,燒製青花瓷。直到客家馬氏把陶瓷規模擴大,甚至興建樊仙宮守護陶匠和保佑碗窰事業,龍窰每年竟燒製40萬件瓷品銷往東南亞,印證香港為海上絲綢之路中轉站,昌盛200年,後因各地以機器製瓷品而令碗窰王國於1932年停產。碗窰遺址更於1983年列為法定古蹟,當中不乏有趣的製瓷工具,如牛碾。在碗窰展館中(碗窰展館逢四休息),您能窺見昔日燒製青花瓷的過程、各種瓷品、碗窰遺址、樊仙宮、馬氏祠堂。瓷品精美,花紋豐富,花鳥圖案,人物造型,吉祥文字,還有煙斗、燭台、燒壞瓦,令人目不暇給,樊仙宮偶戲、粵劇、四水歸堂的建築特色,更各顯其趣。 The vicissitudes of life in Wun Yiu Kaolin and kaolinite are needed for firing porcelain bowls, dense forests are used as fuel for firing porcelain, and river water is conducive to washing products and facilitating the export of porcelain products by cargo ships. The bowl kiln in Dapu is uniquely endowed by nature. In the Ming Dynasty, Wen and Xie Ercuu opened porcelain clay mines and fired blue and white porcelain. Until the Hakka Ma family expanded the scale of ceramics and even built Fanxian Palace to protect potters and bless the bowl kiln business, the Dragon Kiln actually fired 400,000 pieces of porcelain each year and sold them to Southeast Asia, proving that Hong Kong was a transit station on the Maritime Silk Road and prospered. After 200 years, the Wunyiu Kingdom stopped production in 1932 due to the use of machine-made porcelain products in various places. The Wun kiln site was declared a monument in 1983, and there are many interesting porcelain-making tools, such as an ox mill. In the Wun yiu Exhibition Hall (Closed on Thursdays), you can glimpse the process of firing blue-and-white porcelain in the past, various porcelain products, the Wun yiu ruins, the Fanxian Palace, and the Ma's Ancestral Hall. The porcelain is exquisite, with rich patterns, flower and bird patterns, character shapes, auspicious characters, as well as pipes, candlesticks, and burnt tiles. it's fun. The value of this Wun Yiu River Episode I went deep into the remote Wun Yiu, Ta Tit Yan and the tributaries of the Lam Tsuen River and selected the most ecologically valuable river sections to restore the classic original appearance of Hong Kong rivers. Benthic fish, migratory fish, river prawns and the 8-inch mature Hong Kong salamander are rare and rare species on display, which are the birthplace of little-known river species. At the same time, I will bring you the story of Wun Yiu, hoping that you will have a sense of identity and a sense of belonging to Hong Kong. 🚌交通:23S綠巴:大埔墟(運頭街)往打鐵屻,途經新屋家、碗窰20mins→Check Pt.1 打鐵屻總站及上碗窰河溪→🚶🏽30mins Check Pt.2 碗窰展覽館及碗窰遺趾Check Pt.3樊仙宮及馬氏宗祠→3mins新屋家23K綠巴15mins→港鐵大埔墟站。 🐮訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf... 🐮推薦片集 🐮Pui O River [貝澳河]🐸 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev7a-ykbTYI Unique & Priceless Sha Lo Tung[沙螺洞] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FReJNlSGl3E The Fantabulous Tan Shan River[驚艷的丹山河] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0mZGuWmotE&t=12s [我在東涌河觀賞北江唇魚🐟] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S739SzoSnA&t=130s [上水至龍躍頭🦖、古洞單車遊] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-XmcKypmw&t=3s [瓹窿瓹罅遊北角] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKRD6jtyag0&t=25s Sincerely thank you for watching! The production resources are limited, and the picture quality and sound effects may not be perfect. However, the episodes will be created with sincerity, and your tolerance is my greatest support. Like 🐮Share All rights reserved 2022 ©

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