浪潛⛵️小棕林🌴 in Romance 🐠 #假日好去處🌈 #香港遊 #拍拖好去處 #浮潛#基哥 #西貢#海灘#珊瑚#香港生態#攝影#帆船學校#潛水#隱世海灘

次观看 2023-09-04
香港美麗海灘多不勝數🌅,唯獨小棕林恬靜隱世,在美好時光中讓人好好獨處、思考,能敞開心扉面對自己;這裡沒有名氣,也無易達交通,像個低調小女孩,含羞嗒嗒不經意地,被風吹起面紗,緬碘微笑。它又專屬情侶的浪漫時光,絕無騷擾,有的是蔚藍天空與海浪的呢喃,溫柔吹拂的海風,那星星貝殼的閃爍、那各種生物魚貫穿梭瑰麗的珊瑚之間,夕陽之下,告訴你小棕林有著男人專屬的浪漫。 There are countless beautiful beaches in Hong Kong🌅, but Little Palm Forest is quiet and secluded in the world. In the good times, people can be alone, think, and open their hearts to face themselves; there is no fame, no easy access to traffic, like a low-key little girl, shyly and inadvertently, her veil was blown by the wind, and she smiled. It is also a romantic time exclusively for couples, without harassment, some are the blue sky and the murmur of the waves, the gentle sea breeze, the twinkling of the stars and shells, and the various biological fishes running through the magnificent corals. Under the sunset, tell you little The palm forest has a romance exclusive to men. 西貢小棕林交通:乘往清水灣道巴士或小巴,在五塊田下車沿斜路直達;坑口港鐵站call的士前往,由於地處偏僻,私隱度高。 🐢訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf...

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