🐲要體驗二百多年前古村地道舞火龍巡遊慶典🐉,莫過於參加火龍穿梭薄扶林村各戶窄巷的年度世遺盛事#香港遊 #世界非物質遺產#香港#拍拖#攝影#中秋#好去處#親子#舞火龍#節慶#薄扶林#打卡#香港文化

次观看 2023-09-29
Dance of the Fire Dragon is not just a world intangible heritage. Why choose Pok Fu Lam Village instead of Tai Hang for the Fire Dragon Watching Parade? When you see the flying fire dragon in the dark flying between the sparse household lamps, you will feel how this huge art performance stage integrates tradition, belief, time and space, legends, local craftsmanship, unity, music and Sweat, every audience member is excited to see it. How can you miss this cultural and artistic event? Everyone is a part of this art scene. 火龍之舞豈僅於世界非物質遺產。為何觀火龍巡遊選擇薄扶林村而非大坑呢?當你親身看到漆黑中仿如飛騰的活火龍在疏落的戶燈間穿梭奔騰,讓你感受到這個龐大的藝術表演舞台如何融合傳統、信仰、時空、傳說、本土紮作、團結、音樂和汗水,每位觀眾無一看得熱血沸騰,您豈能錯過這場文化藝術盛事呢,每一個人都是這幕藝術的部份。 交通:中環經薄扶林村巴士4 ,4X 🐢訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: @Raymond2021 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf.

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