Half Day馬灣土耳其餐廳#香港美食 #拍拖好去處 #half#香港遊#親子#馬灣#基哥 #青馬大橋#日落#特色餐廳#半天遊#美食#打卡#攝影#慶生#beach

次观看 2023-06-09
Half Day Ma Wan Romantic Tour with Turkish Restaurant 要數馬灣氣氛最浪漫的拍拖餐廳在哪?非土耳其餐廳莫屬,在那裡,留下你給另一半的浪漫驚喜,那柔和的戀曲、那焦香的烤雞、那醉人的紅酒、青馬的月色、天后廟日落、那滾燙的盟誓、還有那香奈兒的花香....... Where is the most romantic dating restaurant in Ma Wan? It is a Turkish restaurant, where you can leave your romantic surprises for the other half, the soft love song, the burnt roast chicken, the intoxicating red wine, the moonlight of Qingma, the sunset of Tin Hau Temple, and the hot oath , and the floral scent of Chanel... 交通:荃灣/葵芳新都會廣場乘NR331/NR331s到馬灣 🐢訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf... (∩_∩)推薦片集 🙈馬大石澗、梅子林及茅坪 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd4TeCX3h4c Tai Ho Stream 大蠔河 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoxFGMjGcjk&t=68s Pui O River 貝澳河🐸 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev7a-ykbTYI Unique & Priceless Sha Lo Tung🦇沙螺洞 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FReJNlSGl3E The Fantabulous Tan Shan River驚艷的丹山河 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0mZGuWmotE&t=12s [我在東涌河觀賞北江唇魚🐟] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S739SzoSnA&t=130s [上水至龍躍頭🦖、古洞單車遊] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me-XmcKypmw&t=3s [瓹窿瓹罅遊北角] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKRD6jtyag0&t=25s 🐢衷心您的謝謝收看!喜歡片集的朋友不忘點讚,訂閱[基哥] 和分享,我們又再次重聚。 衷心多謝您😁的💖動支持、鼓勵,令[基哥] 頻道帶來轉變、成長。 製作資源限制,畫質、聲效未必完美,然而,片集一期一會,誠意創作,您的包容是我最大的支持。 🕊 Sincerely thank you for watching! Friends who like the album do not forget to like, subscribe to [Raymond] and share, we will be reunited again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your 😁💖 support and encouragement to bring change and growth to the [Raymond] channel. The production resources are limited, and the picture quality and sound effects may not be perfect. However, the episodes will be created with sincerity, and your tolerance is my greatest support. Like 🐢 Share All rights reserved 2023©

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