值得住嗎?🌈潮覽最新日系香港銀樾美憬閣酒店,住宿、餐飲🍝、賣點及周邊浪漫遊,本集值得您期待#香港遊 #自助餐#酒店#打卡 #拍拖 #慶生 #staycation #大澳#東涌酒店#東涌#銀樾美憬

次观看 2023-10-03
If you want to choose a new and trendy Japanese-style hotel with a large private swimming pool in the room to celebrate the birthday of your beloved, which one would you choose? The Silveri Hotel Hong Kong is located high in a famous Citygate shopping mall in Tung Chung, with a high degree of privacy. It is decorated in gold and green tones and is luxurious, fashionable and luxurious. It is far away from the noise of children and allows you to enjoy shopping. Can this positioning attract the attention of tourists? This episode introduces accommodation, dining, and surrounding romantic tours, including Dongmei Ancient Trail, Silver Mine Cave and Waterfall, Shaluo Bay Ecology, and the most beautiful airport maintenance area sunset. It will definitely give you a detailed plan for your accommodation plan. I am Raymond, welcome You can enjoy and subscribe to this channel to receive a steady stream of exciting movies. 要選一間房間有私人大泳池,私隱度高又新又潮的日系風格酒店為心愛的她慶生,你會選哪?香港銀樾美憬閣酒店高踞東涌著名商場,私隱度高,金色和綠色調裝璜瑰麗時尚奢華、遠離孩童喧鬧,盡享購物之便,究竟這個定位能否吸引遊客的眼目呢?本集介紹住宿、餐飲、周邊浪漫遊,包括東梅古道、銀礦洞和瀑布、沙螺灣生態及最美機埸維修區日落,定能給您的住宿計劃有周詳的盤算,我是Raymond,歡迎您飽覽及訂閱本頻道,精彩片集源源送上。 交通:港鐵東涌站C1東薈城(Citygate)3樓樂天皇朝餐廳旁入口,Checkin及 餐廳、泳池、健身室等設施在9樓 注意:會員才有餐飲折扣優惠,生日有神秘賀禮(看片) 🐢訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: @Raymonf2021 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf.

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