日本人喻為「龍宮使者」🐉的稀有勒氏皇帶魚和米蝦🦐竟在南丫島?第2個神風洞?尋找龍宮使者的真實奇趣故事#香港遊 #打卡 #好去處 #攝影 #南丫島#深度遊#親子#遠足#行山#香港#榕樹灣#香港河溪

次观看 2023-10-20
The rare Oarfish 🐲 and Rice Shrimp 🦐, which the Japanese call "Dragon Palace Messengers" 🐉, are actually on Lamma Island? Is there a second kamikaze cave? Raymond will tell you a real and interesting story about looking for the Dragon Palace messenger #Hong Kong Tour #Photography # MODAT WAN #PARENT-CHILD #HIKING #travel # 勒氏皇帶魚極為罕見,大部分目擊紀錄為海浪衝上岸的個體。因標本少且體型特殊,日本人喻為「龍宮使者」。2米多長,遍體銀白閃亮,上有飄揚的深紅鰭線,棲身深海的勒氏皇帶魚Regalecus russelii又稱地震魚,每逢大地震或災禍來臨前出現在淺灘之中。中國古人將皇帶魚神化為海龍王、河神、龍王、龍宮使者,捕獲牠的人會遭遇不祥。 今天,勒氏海皇魚是否仍在南丫島水域游弋呢?本集以尋覓為題,細緻描繪南丫島鮮為人知的景點和秘密,喜愛考察生態、攝影發燒友、情侶拖友、親子探索、甚或喜歡奇聞妙事的朋友,這本個人化的私遊特集絕對是您的航燈,引領您尋覓自己的人生故事,莫忘支持這位旅友,在此衷心感謝大家作我常見的utube友。 Subscribe @Raymond2021 The Oarfish is extremely rare, and most sightings are of individuals washed ashore by waves. Because of the small number of specimens and the special shape, the Japanese call it the "Emissary of the Dragon Palace". More than 2 meters long, with a shiny silvery body and fluttering crimson fin lines, the deep-sea oarfish is also known as the earthquake fish. It appears in the shallows before major earthquakes or disasters. The ancient Chinese revered the oarfish as the sea dragon king, river god, dragon king, and dragon palace messenger. Those who caught it would encounter lousy luck. Is the kingfish still swimming in the waters of Lamma Island today? This collection is themed "Looking", detailing the little-known attractions and secrets of Lamma Island. This collection of personalized private tours is perfect for those who like to explore the ecology, photography enthusiasts, couples, parent-child exploration, or even those who like to hear interesting things. It is your navigation light, leading you to find your own life story. Don’t forget to support this traveller. I would like to sincerely thank you all for being my frequent Utube friends. Subscribe @Raymond2021

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