走過十萬八千里找到你🌈#浪漫餐廳🌹#香港美食 #香港遊 #打卡 #慶生 #基哥 #拍拖好去處 #假日好去處 #特色美食

次观看 2023-08-23
餐廳的名🌹字?走過十萬八千里找到的會是甚麼?一間凡人都喜愛的浪漫餐廳?一直尋找的關係?還是永遠想擁抱的他\她呢?這裡不會令人失望,每一個寂寞的人總找到幸福,孤單的來,雙雙的走,那倒掛的花、掛著的美好時光..... What is the name of the restaurant? What will be found after travelling a hundred and eight thousand miles? A romantic restaurant that everyone loves? The relationship you've been looking for? Or is it him/her who always wants to hug? There will not be disappointment here, every lonely person always finds happiness, coming alone, going together, the flowers hanging upside down, a good time hanging... Restaurant address: 10th Floor, Ladder Dundas, 575 Nathan Road (on elevators 2 and 3) 餐廳地址:彌敦道575號Ladder Dundas 10樓(2、3號電梯上) 🐢訂閱基哥channel緊貼情報: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUf...

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