非洲肺鱼(African lungfish)丨魚中活化石,肺魚!就算身軀乾枯也能借機重生!#animals #Africanlungfish #动物 #动物世界 #非洲肺鱼

2 次观看 2024-07-07
非洲肺鱼夏眠通常为六个月。等到雨季来临时,便会破洞而出。可以离开水面不吃不喝地休眠3到5年,当河水再来时会苏醒过来。研究人员称,这个过程中肺鱼的生物钟被调慢,进入了休眠的状态,不吃不喝也不排泄,能量消耗极低。 African lungfish usually hibernate for six months. When the rainy season comes, they will break out of the hole. They can stay out of the water without eating or drinking for 3 to 5 years, and wake up when the river water returns. Researchers say that during this process, the lungfish's biological clock is slowed down and it enters a dormant state, without eating, drinking or excreting, and its energy consumption is extremely low.

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