水豚(capybara)丨车到山前必有雾,船到桥头自然沉 #capybara #animals #动物世界 #搞笑

次观看 2024-06-25
水豚是一种极其有趣且独特的动物,被誉为动物界的温和巨人和“交际花”。这种生活在南美洲的大型啮齿动物以其和蔼可亲的性格、奇特的外貌以及与多种动物和平共处的特性而广受喜爱。 The capybara is an extremely interesting and unique animal, known as the gentle giant and "social butterfly" of the animal kingdom. This large rodent, native to South America, is beloved for its amiable character, peculiar appearance, and its ability to coexist peacefully with a variety of animals.

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