海鹦鹉(Puffin)丨海鸚鵡受盡屈辱的一生,不僅長相委屈,還要被其他賊鳥欺負。#animals #puffin #动物 #动物世界 #海鹦鹉

0 次观看 2024-07-07
海鹦,这种既像“会飞翔的企鹅”,又似“会潜水的鹦鹉”的生物,以其鲜艳夺目的羽毛、卓越的飞行和潜水能力,成为了海洋生态系统中一个独特的存在。海鹦靠捕食海洋鱼类为生,生存本领极强。吃鱼类及浮游动物,并会以细小的海鱼来喂饲雏鸟。北极海鹦会猎食玉筋属、鲱属及柳叶鱼。它们一次可以带回很多小鱼,有时可以超过一打。它们是将小鱼含在喙中,而非反刍吞下的小鱼。这样可以让它们花更长时间来猎食,并每次能带回更多食物供雏鸟食用。 Puffins, creatures that resemble both "flying penguins" and "diving parrots," are distinguished in the marine ecosystem by their vibrant plumage and exceptional abilities to fly and dive. Puffins thrive on a diet of marine fish, demonstrating remarkable survival skills. They feed on fish and plankton, using small marine fish to nourish their chicks. Arctic puffins prey on the genera Hyperoplus, Clupeidae, and Osmerus. They can carry back many small fish at once, sometimes more than a dozen. Instead of swallowing the small fish, they hold them in their beaks. This allows them to spend more time foraging and brings back more food for their chicks each trip.

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