巢鼠(Micromys minutus)丨得到了不一定快乐,失去了一定不快乐 #animals #动物世界 #动物解说 #搞笑 #Micromysminutus

次观看 2024-06-24
巢鼠是一种属于啮齿目鼠科的小型哺乳动物,因其在植物杆上造巢而得名。巢鼠不仅在生物学特征上颇具特色,其生存习性和生态角色也非常有趣。它们在全球范围内广泛分布,但也面临着栖息地丧失的问题。 The nest mouse, a small mammal belonging to the Muridae family of rodents, derives its name from its habit of building nests on plant stems. Nest mice are not only distinctive in their biological characteristics but also intriguing in their survival habits and ecological roles. They are widely distributed globally but face the issue of habitat loss.

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