麝牛(MuskOX)丨永远都不会得脑震荡的动物 #animals #动物 #动物解说 #麝牛 #muskox

2 次观看 2024-07-05
麝牛,又称雄麝,是一种产于西南亚地区的偶蹄动物,属于麝科。它们的身体较小,通常体长约60-75厘米,体重在10-15千克之间。麝牛的特点是具有强烈的麝香气味,这种香气来自其体内的一种具有特殊香味的分泌物,被用于制造香水和药物。麝牛在野生状态下数量稀少,受到狩猎和栖息地破坏的威胁,已被列为濒危物种。 Musk deer, also known as the musk deer, is a species of even-toed ungulate found in the Southwest Asian region (such as India, Nepal, Bhutan, etc.), belonging to the Moschidae family. They have small bodies, typically measuring around 60-75 centimeters in length and weighing between 10-15 kilograms. Musk deer are characterized by a strong musky odor, which is derived from a special fragrant secretion produced within their bodies and is used in the production of perfumes and medicines. Musk deer are rare in the wild and are threatened by hunting and habitat destruction, leading to their classification as an endangered species.

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