【台中】登山趣!! #大肚 萬里長城登山步道,俯瞰 #彰化 好愜意!|Mountain climbing in Taichung|Roger Vlog Vol. 142

次观看 2021-03-03
假日台中去哪玩?! 這次待大家來去大肚的萬里長城爬山啦!! 完整的登山步道,愜意的心情,舒適的氣候,很適合到處走走!! Where to go on holiday in Taichung?! This time I am waiting for everyone to come and climb the Great Wall of China!! Complete hiking trails, comfortable mood, comfortable climate, very suitable for walking around!! 步道蜿蜒於稜線上連綿不絕,有如萬里長城,因而得名,好走的石板路與土徑,穿梭在保安林裡,綠樹成蔭、鳥語花香,每到夏季相思樹開花季節,黃花錯落於翠綠山巒之間,美麗極了。高點的「享壽亭」可眺望台中港區、火力發電廠、彰化、大肚溪以南的平地,也是欣賞夕陽的最佳地點,落日餘暉映照於海面,絢麗彩霞染遍天際,夜晚大肚區的萬家燈火,更是美不勝收。 The trail winds along the ridgeline endlessly, like the Great Wall of China, hence the name. The easy-to-walk stone roads and dirt paths shuttle through the security forests, the green trees are shaded, the birds and the flowers are scented, and the yellow flowers are scattered in the blooming season of the acacia trees in summer. Among the verdant mountains, it is very beautiful. The high point "Enjoy Shou Pavilion" overlooks Taichung Harbor, the thermal power plant, Changhua, and the flat land south of Dadu River. It is also the best place to enjoy the sunset. The thousands of lights in the belly area are even more beautiful. 海拔高度 70~270公尺 高度落差 200公尺 路面狀況 石階、土徑、土石路 所需時間 1 小時 10 分鐘 Altitude 70~270 meters Height drop 200 meters Pavement condition Stone steps, dirt paths, earth-rock roads The time required 1 hour 10 minutes 【台中】登山趣!! 大肚萬里長城登山步道,俯瞰彰化好愜意!|Mountain climbing in Taichung|Roger Vlog Vol. 142 ------------------- 拍攝:Roger Chang 剪輯&後期製作:Roger Chang ------------------- 【台中】防疫新生活!來去咬人狗坑爬山囉! |太平咬人狗坑步道、太平買菸場/陳庭詩紀念館、孔雀咖啡|Roger Vlog Vol. 101 https://youtu.be/PCa_qH26D6Y 【彰化】岡田桑帶你玩彰化! | #彰化​ 阿璋肉圓、 #八卦山​ 、卦山月圓、扇形車庫|Roger Vlog Vol. 135 https://youtu.be/1ftlsa-wuz0 【新北】環狀線「幸福站」美食散策& 桃園機場捷運 蔡桃貴主題車站「三重站」| #新莊美食​ 、蔡阿嘎、 #蔡桃貴​ |Roger Vlog Vol. 130 https://youtu.be/lb-MOBOjXns

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