《Final Fight》街頭快打 SFC#SegaCD#Commodore 64#Amiga 500 #Atari ST#AMSTRADCPC#Sharpx68000 Gameplay Ch 1

次观看 2024-05-31
《快打旋風》初代(Final Fight)是一款經典的清版過關遊戲,由卡普空(Capcom)於1989年髮佈。 遊戲的故事背景設定在虛構的Metro City,講述了市長邁克·哈格(Mike Haggar)及其同伴努力拯救被綁架的傑西卡(Jessica)的故事。 並未收錄NES的《Mighty Final Fight》、手機和其他續作,有機會的再做一期視頻介紹。 總體來説: PC端的遊戲移植版體驗都很糟糕,除了Sharpx68000因爲由卡普空自製作外的原因,其還原度比較高,非常接近街機版。值得推薦玩家直接玩這個版本,pass掉其他PC版; 主機的移植版效果都不差,但特別推薦是sega cd上的版本,是最好的移植版。XBOX360/PS3上的也不錯,可以再兩者中選擇除原版街機的體驗。 最後介紹一款粉絲製作的MD版本,效果不錯,也是非常值得遊玩。 若是還有哪些版本沒有收錄,諮詢遊戲的rom和模擬器有需要的可以留言交流。 Final Fight Prime is a classic clear-format over-the-top game released by Capcom in 1989. Set in the fictional Metro City, the game follows Mayor Mike Haggar and his companions as they endeavor to rescue the kidnapped Jessica. It doesn't include Mighty Final Fight for the NES, mobile, or other sequels, so I'll do another installment of video presentations when I get a chance. Overall: The PC ports of the games are all terrible experiences, with the exception of Sharpx 68000 which is a relatively good restoration and very close to the arcade version for reasons other than being made by Capcom itself. It's worth recommending players to play this version directly and pass on the other PC versions; The host of the ported version of the effect are not bad, but especially recommended is sega cd on the version, is the best ported version. xbox360/ps3 on the also good, can then choose between the two in addition to the original arcade experience. Lastly, a fan-made MD version is presented, which works well and is also well worth playing. If there is still what version is not included, consult the game roms and emulators have the need to leave a message to exchange.

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