Can dogs get leishmaniasis? Can it be transmitted to humans? Should these dogs be culled?#leishmania

47 次观看 2024-01-22
#leishmania #宠物 #dog #狗狗#萨摩#利什曼#利什曼原虫 狗狗也会感染利什曼原虫病吗?作为人畜共患病,狗狗感染后会传染给人类吗?需要对所有阳性的狗狗进行扑杀吗? 这个视频讲述了一个在山区发现的流浪狗奇迹般的生存故事,这只狗狗不仅面临着鼻子出血、眼睛出现脓性分泌物和全身皮肤病的挑战,而且经历了多家医院的治疗,包括犬瘟热、倒睫手术和鼻腔镜检查,都未能找到问题的根源。最终,这只狗狗来到我们的医院,我们准确诊断出它感染了利什曼原虫病。通过精准的治疗,我们不仅解决了它的皮肤问题,还面临了更大的挑战——内脏型利什曼病,这是一种严重威胁生命的疾病,表现为肾衰竭。 在本视频中,您将看到医生、护士和救助人员如何团结一致,通过不懈的努力,最终帮助这只狗狗战胜病魔,实现了它的奇迹生还。我们将深入探讨利什曼原虫病的治疗方法,包括药物治疗的选择和使用,以及如何在治疗期间管理和支持患病的狗狗。 此外,我们还将讨论利什曼原虫病对人类和宠物的影响,以及如何预防这种疾病在宠物中的传播。虽然这是一个充满挑战的旅程,但这个故事向我们展示了希望、坚持和医疗专业知识的力量。 加入我们,一起见证这个温暖人心的故事,了解如何更好地照顾我们的宠物,保护它们免受利什曼原虫病的威胁。不要忘记订阅我们的频道,获取更多关于宠物健康和护理的实用信息。 Can dogs also contract Leishmaniasis? As a zoonotic disease, can it be transmitted to humans from infected dogs? Is it necessary to euthanize all dogs that test positive for the disease? This video tells the miraculous survival story of a stray dog found in the mountains, facing challenges such as bleeding from the nose, purulent discharge from the eyes, and widespread skin conditions. Despite undergoing treatments at several hospitals, including for distemper, entropion surgery, and rhinoscopy, no improvement was observed until the dog was brought to our hospital. Here, we accurately diagnosed it with Leishmaniasis. Through targeted treatment, we addressed not only its skin issues but also faced a greater challenge - visceral Leishmaniasis, a life-threatening condition manifested as kidney failure. In this video, you will see how veterinarians, nurses, and rescuers united in their efforts to help the dog overcome its illness and miraculously survive. We delve into the treatment methods for Leishmaniasis, including the selection and use of medications, and how to manage and support a sick dog during treatment. Moreover, we discuss the impact of Leishmaniasis on humans and pets and how to prevent the spread of this disease among pets. Though it's a journey filled with challenges, this story shows us the power of hope, perseverance, and medical expertise. Join us to witness this heartwarming story and learn how to better care for our pets, protecting them from the threat of Leishmaniasis. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more practical information on pet health and care.

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