Care and Caregiving in Perilous Times: The Quest for Wisdom in the Art for Living|Dr Arthur Kleinman

333 次观看 2024-08-16
Topic: Care and Caregiving in Perilous Times: The Quest for Wisdom in the Art for Living Speaker: Dr. Arthur Kleinman (Esther and Sidney Rabb Professor of Anthropology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University; Professor of Medical Anthropology and Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School) Time: 10:30-12:00, Thursday, June 27, 2024 Venue: Auditorium B1C, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica 危急時刻的關懷與照顧:生活藝術中的智慧追尋之旅 / 本院人文組名譽院士凱博文博士 演講日期:2024年6月27日 (星期四) 演講時間:10:30-12:00 主講人姓名及職稱:凱博文博士(哈佛大學人類學、醫學人類學暨精神科教授) 演講地點:中央研究院生物醫學科學研究所B1C演講廳

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