
次观看 2024-03-15
故事有提供中文和英文字幕供對照,影片最後有中文版本可以點選:📚無尾熊尾巴之謎 📖 跟隨一隻好奇的無尾熊,在動物園內展開了尋找自己尾巴秘密的冒險。沿途,牠遇到了各種動物朋友,從樹上擺盪的猴子到草原上疾馳的獵豹。無尾熊開始有一點失落,因為牠意識到自己沒有像朋友那樣的尾巴。回到家後,無尾熊媽媽揭示了無尾熊「尾巴」的秘密。 📖 Follow a curious koala who embarks on an adventure within the zoo to uncover the secrets of its own tail. Along the way, it encounters various animal friends, from monkeys swinging through trees to cheetahs racing across the grass. The koala begins to feel a sense of longing as it realizes it doesn't have a tail like its friends. Returning home, the koala mother reveals the special secret of koalas' unique adaptations. 🔎主頻道有此故事的中文版本和英文無字幕版本:https://youtube.com/@StorybookScholars?feature=shared #聽故事學英文 #英語 #英文學習 #英語學習 #英文故事 #英文

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