Apple temptation!蘋果的誘惑!Táo cám dỗ!#fun#cute#funnyvideos#funny#wanderingcattle#cattle#流浪牛#大澳#hknature

次观看 2024-01-29
Dry season: Weed clearing everywhere, no more fresh grass available. The wandering cattle in Lantau of Hong Kong are bracing for a harsh winter. Сухой сезон: Очистка посева везде, больше нет свежей травы. Бегущий скот в Лантау Гонконга готовится к суровой зиме. 乾旱季節:到處也除草,沒有新鮮草吃,香港大嶼山的流浪牛面臨嚴峻的冬季。 乾季: いたるところで雑草が刈り取られ、新鮮な草はもう入手できません。 香港のランタオ島で放浪する牛たちが厳しい冬に備えている。 건기: 모든 곳에서 잡초가 제거되고 더 이상 신선한 풀을 구할 수 없습니다. 홍콩 란타우의 방황하는 소들은 혹독한 겨울을 대비하고 있습니다. Saison sèche : Désherbage partout, plus d’herbe fraîche disponible. Le bétail errant à Lantau, à Hong Kong, se prépare à un hiver rigoureux. Mùa khô: Quét sạch cỏ khắp nơi, không còn cỏ tươi nữa.Đàn bò lang thang ở Lanto, Hong Kong đang chuẩn bị đón một mùa đông khắc nghiệt. Temporada seca: A limpeza das ervas por todo o lado, não há mais erva fresca disponível. O gado errante em Lantau, de Hong Kong, prepara-se para um inverno duro. Wandering cattle filming tips: Girls are usually more tame. Boys sometimes don't like strangers getting too close.  A shaking of head means one has to keep a distance.  If you see an ox pawing the ground, stay as far away as possible or you might get hurt.  Avoid filming in a group or touching their kids as sometimes a leader would rush out to protect his family. Safety comes first at all times.  The wandering cattle were used in farming in the past. As farmlands getting less they were abandoned as a result, driven from place to place to find food. As so many places are walled up and grassland turned into construction sites, they face a food crisis, especially in winter. Sometimes they have to climb up dangerous slopes to get fresh leaves or break roadside fences as green grass is rare in dry season. They got hurt sometimes and some died as a result of related injuries. Don't feed them as it is illegal. Some have already got a habit of pushing down rubbish bins to look for food.  Just keep a safe distance when filming.

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