
次观看 2024-02-16
故事有提供中文和英文字幕供對照,影片最後有中文版本可以點選:📚飢餓的企鵝學習等待 📖 在一個冰天雪地的國度,一顆企鵝蛋正在等待孵化的時刻,由企鵝爸爸守護著。當蛋最終裂開時,企鵝爸爸歡迎一隻毛絨絨的小企鵝來到這個世界。小企鵝對於媽媽的缺席感到好奇,牠得知媽媽正在海上捕魚覓食。儘管饑餓,企鵝爸爸教導耐心,並餵食最後所剩的食物。當媽媽回來時,家人歡欣鼓舞,小企鵝也意識到了在冰天雪地中生存的挑戰。 📖 In a land of ice and snow, a penguin egg awaited the moment of hatching, guarded lovingly by Daddy penguin. When the egg finally cracked open, Daddy penguin welcomed the fluffy chick to the world. Curious about Mommy's absence, the baby penguin learned she was fishing for food. Despite hunger, Daddy penguin taught patience, offering the last of their food. When Mommy returned, the family rejoiced, and the baby penguin realized the challenges of survival in their icy home. 🔎主頻道有此故事的中文版本和英文無字幕版本:https://youtube.com/@StorybookScholars?feature=shared #英語 #英文學習 #英語學習 #英文故事 #英文 #聽故事學英文

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