
次观看 2024-05-17
故事有提供中文和英文字幕供對照,影片最後有(副頻道的)中文版本可以點選:📚老鷹和貓頭鷹的好眼力 📖 一隻貓頭鷹和一隻老鷹都相信自己擁有動物王國中最好的視力。為了解決牠們的爭論,牠們展開了一場比賽,在白天和黑夜展示自己獨特的能力。當其他動物驚嘆地觀看時,牠們發現每隻鳥都有其獨特的優勢。貓頭鷹和老鷹決定成為朋友,牠們明白了與其競爭,不如結合彼此的優勢,讓自己能做的更多。 📖 An owl and an eagle both believe they have the best eyesight in the animal kingdom. To settle their friendly debate, they engage in a contest, showcasing their unique abilities during day and night. As the animals watch in awe, they discover that each bird excels in its own way. Rather than competing, the owl and eagle decide to become friends, using their extraordinary eyesight to protect the entire kingdom. 🔎主頻道有此故事的中文版本和英文無字幕版本:https://youtube.com/@StorybookScholars?feature=shared #聽故事學英文 #英語 #英文學習 #英語學習 #英文故事 #英文

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