
次观看 2024-05-03
故事有提供中文和英文字幕供對照,影片最後有中文版本可以點選:📚小而強大的森林清潔工:蘑菇 📖 在一片熙攘的森林裡,一朵小小的蘑菇感到自己與周圍的動植物相比,顯得悲傷和無助。然而,隨著它觀察到季節的變化,它發現了自己作為分解者的關鍵角色,將枯萎的植物轉化為營養豐富的土壤。意識到自己在森林生態系統中的重要性,蘑菇以自豪和喜悅的心情接受了自己的身份,不再與他人比較。 📖 In a bustling forest, a little mushroom feels sad and inadequate compared to the animals and plants around it. However, as it observes the changing seasons, it discovers its crucial role as a decomposer, turning dead plants into nutritious soil. Realizing its importance in the forest ecosystem, the mushroom embraces its identity with pride and joy, no longer comparing itself to others. 🔎主頻道有此故事的中文版本和英文無字幕版本:https://youtube.com/@StorybookScholars?feature=shared #聽故事學英文 #英語 #英文學習 #英語學習 #英文故事 #英文

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