
次观看 2024-03-01
故事有提供中文和英文字幕供對照,影片最後有中文版本可以點選:📚鱷魚與牙籤鳥:小心陌生人 📖 一隻小牙籤鳥遇到了一隻鱷魚,鱷魚說會提供嘴裡的美味食物給牙籤鳥。儘管這個提議很誘人,小鳥還是記起父母說過要注意陌生人。 註:傳說中,牙籤鳥(尼羅鴴)和鱷魚之間有一種獨特的關係,牙籤鳥會進入鱷魚的嘴裡為牠們清理寄生蟲,讓兩個物種都受益。然而,最近的科學研究未找到支持這一說法的證據。 📖 A small Plover bird encounters a crocodile who offers it delicious food from its mouth. Despite the tempting offer, the small bird remembers its parents' warnings about strangers. Note: Legend has it that Plover birds and crocodiles share a unique relationship, where the birds enter the crocodiles' mouths to clean them of parasites, benefiting both species. However, recent scientific research has found no evidence to support this. 🔎主頻道有此故事的中文版本和英文無字幕版本:https://youtube.com/@StorybookScholars?feature=shared #聽故事學英文 #英語 #英文學習 #英語學習 #英文故事 #英文

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